Recently, most women are aware of their natural beauty, hence an increased acceptance of natural hair. For women in this category, adding more volume to their hair can enhance their look, especially with easy options like throw-on-and-go wigs. This is where Kinky straight lace wigs come in; it offers a protective hairstyle for a natural look. It is ideal for anyone, whether trying to add some volume or looking for an option to make you look more natural.
If you want to know more about this lace wig, you are in the right place. This article will offer things about kinky straight lace wigs covering their benefits and the care process.
What is a Kinky Straight Lace Wig?
A kinky straight lace wig has the same texture as the natural African American hair, featuring kinks and tight curls. This wig type was plaited tightly, afterward undergoes a steam treatment, then was wound into metal rods to achieve the kinky texture. While undergoing this process, the hair does not lose its luster or softness. It has different levels of thickness depending on the type of process, and it is suitable for Afrowomen.
Benefits of Luvme Hair Kinky Straight Lace Wigs:

Following are some benefits of luvme hair kinky straight lace wigs:
Natural Look:
The kinky straight lace wig is fluffy, casual, and natural, allowing more styling options. It has the same texture as African Americans’ hair, almost like your natural hair. The look is amazing and unique; it is also a better option if you want to give your natural hair a break. It is hard to know this lace wig is not your natural hair, especially when it will always leave you admirable.
If you want to switch your look faster and easily, the kinky straight lace wig is one of the most convenient options. You can install the lace without having to seek professional help.
Low Maintenance:
The kinky straight lace wig has a simple maintenance process; you don’t have to condition, style, or even wash it daily. You only need to wash it once every two weeks and allow it to dry. In addition, you can use heat protectants while styling to keep your wig healthy.
Light And Comfortable:
Wearing a kinky straight lace wig is like you don’t have them on. It is super soft and lightweight and can be worn all day. This means you won’t feel an additional weight on your hair, and you won’t feel unnatural. How you feel while wearing a wig is important; if you are looking for something extra comfortable, this lace wig is the best choice.
How to Care for Luvme Hair Kinky Straight Lace Wigs:
Caring for your Luvme Hair Kinky Straight Lace Wig is essential to maintain its quality and longevity. Remember, treating your wig with care will help it maintain its lustrous appearance, so you can confidently rock your favorite hairstyles, whether it’s a sleek updo or a trendy girl haircut. Here are some tips to help you keep your wig looking its best:

As mentioned, you must wash the kinky straight lace wig once every two weeks. While washing, you can place the wig on the mannequin head. This will allow you to have full control.
Choose friendly Shampoo:
Sulfates are responsible for gathering hair products like shampoo. However, it can remove the hair oils and cause your wig to fade. Hence, while washing, always aim for sulfate-free shampoos. In addition, you don’t need to wash your wig often like your natural hair; you only need to deep condition it every time.
It is essential you detangle your wigs and remove knots to make them last a long time. You can start by using your fingers to remove the tangles and knots. Next, you can use a recommended comb to remove the remaining tangles. If you encounter stubborn tangles, you can use a mixture of conditioner and water on the affected area.
Avoid Blowing Dry:

Stay clear of any hair dryer; this can damage your hair and affect the lace. The heat from the dryer can shrink the hair and makes it smaller. In addition, the hair is already straight, so you don’t need to use straighteners. However, if you must use a straightener, use it on a low setting and don’t use it every time.
You can use both paddle brushes and wide-tooth combs for a kinky straight lace wig; however, it is best to stick to the wide-tooth combs. You can comb wet or dry; you only need to avoid excessive combing. Avoid excessive combing when the hair is wet, as it can lead to the shedding of your kinky straight lace wigs.
Who Can Wear Kinky Straight Lace Wigs?
Since the kinky straight lace wig has a similar texture to Afro hair, it is mostly suitable for women with Afro hair textures. However, it is also ideal for anyone looking to add more volume to their hair as long as the texture matches.
Where to Buy Kinky Straight Lace Wigs?
Kinky straight lace wigs are available in almost all online stores; however, the major concern is their quality. It is always important to research wig brands before buying them. If you are looking for a reputable wig brand to buy kinky straight, your best option is Luvme Hair. You can access kinky straight lace wigs, Afro wigs, curly wigs, and other types at the best price and quality.
This article explains everything you need to know about kinky straight lace wigs, their benefits, the care process, and where to buy them. You can follow this guide to change your looks with kinky straight lace wigs and maintain an extended service life. This wig is about to become your favorite; ensure it matches your hair texture. It will make you look more beautiful, protect your hair, and allow you to try any styling options.
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